Christmas: use the government to prefer parrots, they are much sweeter and do not cost as much


There are 300 secretaries of state, undersecretaries of state, government commissioners, ministerial ministers in this government, who knows what else, taxpayers have never had as much money from state leaders as in the current government. Of those 300 who face it, all have a good idea of ​​what the capital should do, those who face it immediately begin to understand the budget of the capital. He was now the spokesperson for the government spokesman’s office, that is, if I understand correctly, the spokesperson for the government spokesperson, who felt it was his job to disrupt the business tax revenue of Budapest. Well it didn’t work

He started his Facebook post on Monday Gergely Christmas.

The mayor wrote to a spokesman for the government spokesman comparing last year’s and this year’s revenues to the city for Sept. 30 and found that this year it is only slightly lower. However, according to Christmas, he forgot to add that some companies had to pay another round of taxes late last year, which had already been abolished by the government this year.

If we look at it that way, the city already has 40 billion less revenue. The spokesperson for the spokesperson also drew attention to the fact that public transport ticket revenue has been cut in half, but also that despite the drastic decline in revenue, the government has more than doubled this year and next year more than tripled by the Metropolitan Municipality. tax paid

He said.

He added that it is time not only for the government to have proposals for the capital, but also for them to make a proposal to the government.

Why so many spokespersons if they don’t tell the truth anyway? They prefer to use parrots, they are much sweeter and do not cost as much

– Closed the post.

Featured Image: Christmas Gergely Facebook Page
