Christmas: If the police feel that stricter restrictions are necessary, I will make a decision immediately


“I asked the Budapest Police Chief to present his action plan to enforce the curfew. If the police consider that stricter restrictions are needed in the public areas of the capital than can be enforced, and can be enforced, I will make a decision on this immediately on the proposal of the Budapest Police Chief. ” Gergely Karácsony wrote on Facebook after the afternoon announcement of the Mayor of Budapest, Viktor Orbán.

The Prime Minister announced an indefinite extension of the curfew, but did not decide to take additional measures. However, he said that by midnight Monday, mayors will have the opportunity to take special restrictive measures.

According to Christmas, it will take time before it becomes clear how to legally interpret the Prime Minister’s announcement. “It can be interpreted politically: although the government has forced an unrestricted mandate, but when a vital decision must be made, it transfers the responsibility to the mayors by not adding resources,” he wrote.

The mayor wrote that he trusts the people of Budapest, he knows that they are aware of what is at stake. He asked everyone to stay home, which is why all the Budapesters will be called on the phone.

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