Christmas: 60 of the 94 residents of the Rózsa street nursing home are coronaviruses


“The capital continues to filter its nursing homes from its own resources and unfortunately we receive bad news. The coronavirus examination in the capital showed positive results in 60 of the 94 residents of the Rózsa street house. Four of them have symptoms, have been taken to the hospital, the others are fine. We are lobbying for all of them and, of course, in consultation with the authorities, we have introduced strict quarantine rules and we will do our best for the elderly to prevent the spread of the epidemic, ”writes Mayor Gergely Karácsony at Facebbok.

Christmas also wrote that, according to the information received, a patient was also sent back from the hospital to Rózsa street and to the house on Pesti street (where the number of infected people was already 198) without being tested for coronavirus. . (This is still in late March he felt that it was unnecessary to prove hospital admissions by Sára Botond, a government-appointed government-appointed commissioner, who is now initiating investigations.)

“Again, this is only one possible answer to the question of how the infection got to the nursing home,” wrote the mayor, adding that the government should immediately order a complete detection of coronavirus from all nursing homes in the country.

According to Christmas, the government currently prohibits comprehensive screening and considers it unnecessary to do so in nursing homes, while Budapest currently conducts screening in nursing homes on its own.

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