Christ was resurected! Really risen! |


Do not be afraid! – The message of Christ and Easter can give a lot of strength to Christians even in this difficult situation. This is what Cardinal Péter Erdő, the primate, Archbishop of Esztergom, spoke on the Kossuth Radio program entitled Sunday Newspaper.

“Christ is the victor over death, Christ, in whom the love and mercy of God for men is manifested, giving us again strength and encouragement.”

Péter Erdő remembered the essence of Easter.

These words and thoughts can give hope even in these difficult times, which is why the cardinal says that we have reason to look to the future with optimism, towards a new beginning.

Many have lost close relatives to the coronavirus epidemic, so comfort may be especially needed now. According to the teachings of the Church, the Holy Spirit illuminates our lives and has provided us with comfort that goes beyond earthly difficulties, from a broader perspective. Trust that this comfort will be given not only to the individual but also to communities.

Do not be afraid! Saint II. The last message from Pope John Paul sounded the same, and it is especially needed these days.

“We have no reason to be afraid and dread because a God who loves us leads us down the path of history. Terrible difficulties and tragedies have also occurred in the lives of our families and peoples during this period, and yet we must say that God has not abandoned us. Not a single death is the last word in a person’s life, but there is more. “

– emphasized Péter Erdő.

The cardinal reported on the current regulations for the epidemic, as well as the preparations for the Eucharistic Congress. He said that several stages had been prepared for the September events. They hope to be able to attend events without any restrictions, but they may also have to enforce certain restrictions.

In conclusion, Péter Erdő emphasized that we must be aware that we are responsible for each other and also for how many people base our lives on their work of sacrifice. From this point of view, we must highlight the health workers, doctors, nurses, because they are doing everything possible to face the current situation.

The full conversation can be heard here.

Cover photo: MTI / Márton Mónus
