China has banned shoddy tests of the crown, but the Hungarian government has already bought them


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On March 27, the Hungarian government expressed its gratitude in a letter.
for the thirty thousand coronavirus test that arrived a few days earlier
From China to Budapest.

“China and
The friendship between Hungary has never been stronger. We look forward to the future even more
Let’s work more together “, wrote Balázs Gazsó, Innovation and Technology
Secretary of State for Administration.

The Hungarian Secretary of State thanked the Chinese manufacturer of the tests, a company called Hybribio Biotech, in the letter. However, just four days later, China has tightened its export rules, meaning the company is no longer able to send crown tests abroad.

In recent weeks, several countries have complained that they are lousy.
they received quality products from Chinese companies. Subsequently, the Chinese authorities in April
have been amended several times by anti-coronavirus rules
apply to the export of defense equipment:

  • As of April 1, only those companies could deliver
    Medical devices used to treat coronavirus that have been listed
    to the list of an organization called the National Administration of Medical Products (NMPA). In China, this authority inspects medical services.
    The quality of the devices and authorizes their national distribution.
  • Starting April 26, the rules were relaxed again, and
    companies that are not on the NMPA list can also export, but
    Have the necessary foreign certificates. The names of these companies.
    also disclosed by the Chinese authorities.

The name Hybribio is not on the list. two
manufacturers of another rapid test currently used by Hungarian paramedics (Anhui
Deep Blue Medical Technology and Hangzhou Clongene Biotech) on the NMPA list
they are not there, no product is produced for the Chinese domestic market. The European
Although they have a CE certificate that allows them to be imported into the Union, they do have one
According to a study in late April, rapid tests brought to Hungary by the two companies
“Not suitable for detection of people currently infected with COVID-19”.

The Chinese don’t think they are good either, but they are already here with us.

Since the emergence of the coronavirus, Hungary has more than
has imported a million tests and has almost two million other tests
our contract, said Péter Szijjártó in parliament in late April. the
According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the tests are based on the standards of the World Health Organization.
taking place. According to official data, in early May nearly 80,000 tests were performed in state care, across the country.
A projection was also launched that involved 18,000 people and in favor of the government.
Working health professionals also support more mass testing.

Neither operating personnel nor the State Department has revealed that
The manufacturers of the tests used were purchased and for how much. Some
however, the test manufacturer’s name did appear on articles, photos, and videos.

Hybribio Biotech delivered to Hungary
The tests and a letter of thanks from the government were reported by the test company itself.
in early April.
You can do it with photos of the boxes
concluded that the tests were based on a March tender by Semmelweis
They arrived in Hungary under a contract between the University and Kromat Kft. La
The Hungarian company made 30 thousand pieces for 702 thousand euros (240 million forints)
get a coronavirus test (Kromat did not answer our test questions).

Photo: Hybribio Biotech

Two others, home of Hungarian paramedics
the name of the manufacturer of the test kit (Anhui Deep Blue Medical
Technology and Hangzhou Clongene Biotech) was first stabbed by HVG in the National
Ambulance service on the website of the Professional Working Group of the Medical Department.
Instructions for using these tests are shown.
even in the ambulance who tried a suspected hungarian vlogger

Anhui Deep Blue Medical recently wrote 444,
that the references on your website are misleading and do not justify the product
and a Texas city was pulled from the market
evidence that has been rendered unusable.

Another quick test used by paramedics, “Clungene”, a
Happy Business Services Zrt. (HBS) distributes in Hungary (the company’s legal predecessors,
among them, Novotrade Plc. has been dedicated to medical technology since the nineties
importing devices). According to the HBS website, there are already several shipments
It came from the Chinese company. An important part of the tests is performed in the state of health.
The Supply Center (ÁEEK) bought it, but more products were shipped
university and private hospital.

“In early April, HBS had around 125,000 Clungene pieces
delivered a quick test to Hungary, of which 20,000 were tested by Semmelweis
For a university, “said Dr. Gábor Rényi, Chairman of the HBS Board.
According to Rényi, the company will deliver 80,000 additional tests in the ÁEEK tender
also gained a mandate, which “fully fulfilled”
No details of the tender were published in the contract notice.)

Hangzhou Clongene Biotech Ltd. has been manufacturing immune tests and
exports its products to many countries in the world, from the United States to Europe
to the Far East. Its products are available in all export markets.
with licenses, “said Rényi, who said that the Clongene license is different
Similar to device makers, it was suspended on April 1 but reinstated on April 26.
she. In possession of this, shipments that had been “congested” until then were also in possession
they may have restarted: HSB is awaiting the arrival of “hundreds of thousands” of tests.

We have to be smart

“The products are really very different in quality,” he complained.
Müller Cecília also at a press conference in late March on Chinese medicine
devices when disposing of evidence sent to Europe and
asked about the protective equipment. Shipments to Hungary are delivered by Müller
since it is important to be able to “trust” the protective equipment.

We asked the Operations Corps exactly how many
the test arrived in Hungary, whose manufacturers have not been since April
It can be exported from China and used at the end. We also wanted
to find out which companies have been agreed to since the tightening of Chinese standards
to get proof, but our questions were not answered.

In late April, upon receiving new Chinese shipments, Levente Magyar, a
the Deputy Foreign Minister spoke of continuing to be “bloody
goes the competition “for medical devices.” Anyone with more muscle starts with the advantage,
we have to be cunning and resourceful, “said Magyar, who
In addition to nearly five hundred ventilators that day, 25,000 coronavirus tests were also performed.
received at the airport. According to the video made about it, it seems that the Hungarian government
managed to find a new test provider: from the plane labeled “Maccura”
The boxes were unpacked. And this is a test company that both NMPA,
both are on the list of companies with foreign certification.

Karen Chang helped write the article.
Opten’s services for Hungarian company data
We were used to it.

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