Check out the production of Tímea Gelencsér and Bertalan Hegyes!


There was a little controversy between the Dancing with the Stars jury about David’s production. Andi Molnár saw the mistakes, Nóri saw the positives in … more

Dávid Tóth and Laura Lissák entered the parquet with a Christmas paso doble in the Semifinals. Check out the production yourself! next

His dance partner David was pleasantly surprised, and in connection with this, David confessed that at first he would not have thought that … more

Anna Pásztor was described as a dance chameleon by Nóra Ördög, as her production was a great success with the jury. next

Anna Pásztor and György Köcse continued to battle Foxtrot for the final on Dancing with the Stars’ ninth live show. next

Shepherd Anna betrayed how happy she was now to be able to dance on the dance floor and how satisfied her family was with her. next

Stana Alexandra testified before the rural world what her plans are with Dániel Győrfi. next

The production of Timi Gelencsér and his dance partner completely surprised the jury, their production was described simply as perfect. next

Tímea Gelencsér and her dance partner, Bertalan Hegyes, hit the floor with a fantastic production of fast steps in the Semifinals of Dancing with the Stars! next

Timi Gelencsér and his dance partner are making big promises for their second production on the 9th Dancing with the Stars show! next
