Cecília Müller: We really want to avoid austerity


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You can see that community spread is already typical, said Cecília Müller, calling it a basic rule that people should go anywhere in good health. She asked the elderly to take care of themselves. Avoid crowded places; if they buy early, they have already done a lot to their advantage, she said.

The rules are necessary so that no further restrictions are required.

We really want to avoid austerity

said the national medical director.

He added that everyone wants to live their usual life. However, he pointed out that of course there is a procedure, there are plans for different cases.

It is recommended to be outdoors a lot during a pandemic, sports are good, stressed Cecília Müller. However, she said that due to deteriorating weather, people are increasingly “trapped” in tight spaces, so wearing the mask should be taken seriously.

On weekends, more people can go to the movies, disco, shopping. When a distance of one and a half meters cannot be maintained, the use of a mask is important, which is required by law in many places. No one can know if you are asymptomatically carrying the virus, so it is important to take precautions. It is important to care for those who are at high risk of developing the infection in a severe way, even causing death, said the national chief physician.

Cecília Müller announced that the second wave of the epidemic was occurring in Hungary, which is in the rising branch of the pandemic. The number of people seen at the hospital is growing: 589 already need treatment, he added.

MTI Photo / Zsolt Szigetváry
