Cecília Müller: we have reached a latent stage


We can already say that we have reached a latent stage, we are witnessing a reduction in the epidemic. The rural opening last week with an average incubation period of 5-6 days did not cause any additional infection, Cecília Müller, national medical director, said at the operational staff briefing.

To date, the number of confirmed infections has increased to 3,380, with another 39 confirmed positive in one day. So far, 436, 6 of them yesterday, have died from the infection. The number of people cured is 1169, the number of active infected people is 1775. Today, 658 patients are treated in hospitals,
49 people need mechanical ventilation – Cecília Müller told today’s figures.

Based on the decline in new infection rates, we have entered a truly latent phase, the epidemic is moderating, and we are constantly monitoring the data. It can be claimed that the rural opening early last week did not cause any excess infection, the medical director said.

He said in detail about the job, that the conditions of the home office are decided by an agreement between the employer and the employee, to consider the experience of a new type of opportunity, but only a healthy person should go to their place of employment. work, he added.

When working in large, open offices, special attention should be paid to personal hygiene, preferably with contact hand disinfection as soon as you enter, if not available, a thorough handwash with soap is sufficient upon arrival, this it should be repeated several times a day.

The environment must be kept cleaner and disinfected. It is equally important to pay attention to the distance from the community, in the case of fixed workplaces, a distance of 1.5 to 2 meters should be sought.

Preference should be given to natural ventilation, and only artificial ventilation equipment should be used, after pre-disinfection, in which the spent, fresh air passes through a separate duct and is not mixed in any way.

If someone becomes ill, report it to the employer, who will contact the appropriate public health authority. The employee must, of course, leave and consult a doctor.

We also avoid congestion in workplace restaurants and keep our distance. Hand sanitizer must be available and equipment in place must be cleaned regularly.

Sports facilities in the workplace can be used simultaneously by those who work in the same airspace with the appropriate distance, and by those who work outside the same airspace at separate times.

The answers to the questions also revealed:

Coronavirus infection can lead to a blood clotting disorder that can affect multiple organs and cause permanent damage. In rare cases, lung capacity may decrease.

UV radiation has a disinfecting effect, the sun can destroy any virus particles on the surfaces,

According to today’s data, 787 infected people live in nursing homes, which represents 23 percent of all infections, which means approximately one in four infected social institutions. The death rate is similar.

Of all those infected, 13 percent of health workers in 45 different health center departments are currently present with the coronavirus. These rooms are closed, they cannot accept new patients until they can become virus free.

The number of samples in the March Influenza Report from the National Center for Public Health was corrected due to an administrative problem and suspicious samples of corona were included among the influenza samples. But there were no massive diseases in Hungary at the time, neither in terms of influenza nor coronavirus.

In Zala County, 2 nursing homes participated, in one of them 43 positive caregivers were identified and 12 caregivers were identified, 30 people were treated in a hospital, 1 person died. In the other nursing home, 38 caregivers and 13 caregivers tested positive, 23 are hospitalized with a death toll of 3.
