Cecília Müller: we have another diagnostic tool in our hands


The operational strain again announced the latest developments in the coronavirus epidemic at a press conference on Monday.

Dra. Cecília Müller The national medical chief said that day by day more and more laboratory cases are confirmed, yesterday 1,478 Hungarians were diagnosed with coronavirus infection. This is an international trend, according to WHO analysis, Hungary is in the middle. At least 47,768 people have been infected since the start of the epidemic and 14,312 have recovered from the disease. The number of deaths is increasing in a similar way to those infected, generally they are people with a chronic disease and the elderly.

1896 coronavirus patients are treated at the hospital and their number is also increasing. Of the 31 people who died Sunday, the youngest was 49 and the oldest 91, and usually suffered from cancer, vascular or metabolic disease. Among those with a more severe course of coronavirus disease, there are no changes in risk factors, but Cecília Müller highlighted that the virus can cause more severe symptoms in a respiratory patient, severe bilateral viral pneumonia, as well as influenza. It is important to give the flu vaccine for free, even more vaccines have been obtained for everyone who wants to get vaccinated.

Basically, PCR test results have been accepted so far, but scientists have developed a series of antigen-based tests, this test shows the current infection and can even be used in an ambulance, so when they get to the hospital , you may know about the infection.

This test has been tested by the laboratory of the National Center for Public Health, in case of positivity there is a very high coincidence with the PCR test, so it is another diagnostic tool in our hands.

– He said.

Kiss RóbertSaid the deputy director of the guard center: on the last day 55 of u measures were taken by the police who did not use or did not use the mask correctly. Over the weekend, they received a major report from Esztergom about the violation of the 23-hour lockdown, and two of those cases occurred in Budapest. Since the introduction of the rule, 64 similar measures have been taken. 5,199 people were quarantined.

Journalism questions:

  • In schools, children do not have to wear a mask, this is not to be expected. On the other hand, distance must be kept, groups and communities must be kept together, body temperature must be measured. There is also a protocol in case a child feels unwell during the day.
  • It is recommended that elderly and vulnerable people wear the mask also on the street. If the distance of 1.5 meters cannot be maintained, the mask must be used in all cases.
  • According to the RTL Club, we are among the worst performing countries in terms of population in the second wave, they were asked what the operational tribe wants to do in this situation. According to Cecília Müller, according to the WHO analysis, this is not true, we are in the middle.
  • When the flu vaccine is given, you cannot just schedule it with your doctor, you must call and sign up beforehand. But this should not prevent anyone from administering the vaccine.
  • All Saints are approaching, groupings should be avoided and well-known hygiene rules must be observed. Many families later reunite with loved ones who come from further afield. Although it is difficult, they must keep their distance to protect each other. If you visit a cemetery, wear a mask for safety. Many people approach cemeteries by public transport, and a mask is a must here. You can also bring a hand sanitizer.
  • Infostart asked what to do when the child is likely to bring COVID home from school, prove positive, and live with a chronically ill elderly person in a home. According to Cecília Müller, if possible, the older person should be placed separately: in another room, with another sibling, physically separated, for example, using the kitchen and bathroom separately.
  • If someone needs to be ventilated, it is not a fatal condition either. According to chief physician János Slavik, Cecília Müller said that 50 percent of those who used the ventilator would recover. This is also a high rate internationally.

Featured image: MTI / Balogh Zoltán
