Cecília Müller: These numbers are high


The results of the massive tests were also revealed at Monday’s press conference by operational staff. Or who will get vaccinated first.

Monday press conference of operational staff György István The Secretary of State began by presenting the results of the specific mass tests. The Secretary of State said nearly 2.5 percent of infections were measured: 181,506 tests were conducted and 4,436 were found to be infected.

Müller Cecília He said that in the second wave, rapid antigen tests are already considered reliable, therefore, data from targeted mass tests will be entered into koronavirus.gov.hu. The national medical director said fewer PCR tests are performed due to the higher reliability of rapid tests. For example, fewer than 6,000 PCR tests were recorded on Monday.

These numbers are high

Cecília Müller said, commenting on the number of deaths and hospitalizations.

The concentration of coronavirus inheritance measured in wastewater decreased in Miskolc, did not change in Békéscsaba, Nyíregyháza, Salgótarján and in Székesfehérvár. In Szombathely, on the other hand, the concentration increased, that is, the number of infected people can also increase in the following days.

No one is an exception, nowhere, in any city.

Cecília Müller said, suggesting that everyone should follow the rules, no matter where they live.

Cecilia Müller was asked about the vaccine. The medical director said that there is still no vaccine in Hungary, but the need for vaccination will be available soon at vakcinainfo.gov.hu. They can also assess needs based on these, but there is a specific order in which they will be vaccinated.

First, health workers are vaccinated, “who take care of us”, and then the chronically ill come.

There were also questions about “hundred florin shops” and greengrocers. Kiss Robert He said there is also a shopping time zone in these stores.

We asked these, but unfortunately again, none of our questions were read, although we received answers to the last two questions from Cecilia Müller when she spoke about targeted mass testing.

1) How many nursing homes and social institutions are currently infected with coronavirus? In total, how many were treated and how many workers were infected?

2) What is the proportion of healthcare workers who leave care due to a coronavirus infection or an official quarantine?

3) What is the number of active infections per county?

4) How many coronavirus patients are currently being cared for in intensive care units?

5) What is the current occupancy rate for intensive beds?

6) Why is the BNO code system not used to diagnose underlying diseases in the deceased?

7) Are antigen tests included in the daily sampling data?

8) Are positive cases listed by antigen tests among those infected?
