Cecília Müller: There are currently 481 health workers with coronavirus


We can see by the numbers that, like all over the world, the number of infected and dead people is increasing in Hungary. We are in an active phase of spreading the virus.

– He said Müller Cecília National chief physician at the press conference of operational staff on Friday, after a record number of new infections were found in Hungary. The coronavirus infection was detected in 1,322 new Hungarian citizens, increasing the number of infected people identified in Hungary to 28,631, and 17 patients died. All of the deaths were over 60 years old and had chronic diseases, Müller said.

In response to a question from journalists, the chief physician revealed that 1,234 healthcare workers have been infected with the coronavirus since the outbreak began, and 481 are currently known to be infected.

He drew attention to the need to do everything possible to prevent the spread of transmission. Müller also spoke about the importance of good collaboration with the doctor and following the doctor’s recommendations. He also highlighted the importance of strengthening the immune system, suggesting an extra intake of vitamin C and vitamin D and having everyone drink plenty of fluids.

And people with chronic illnesses should get a flu shot.

Said Müller, who then spoke about the fact that 33 kindergartens and 6 schools have extraordinary breaks and 121 classes have digital work schedules.

As for school fever, he noted that the outcome of the fever is also affected by the outside temperature, or even by someone running to school. That’s why they do it so that whoever has a fever, according to the thermometer, has their body temperature measured again after 15 minutes.

Kiss Róbert The police lieutenant colonel said, among other things, that in 20 cases, the police had to act in the last 24 hours because someone was not wearing a mask on public transport. There were four reports.

featured photo: Márton Mohos / 24.hu
