Cecília Müller: the vaccine received in Hungary so far will be sold out soon, the next shipment may arrive tomorrow


The different research groups do not clearly position themselves on whether those who have already been vaccinated can become infected, so compliance with hygiene standards is still important and is also necessary for the vaccinated person. On the other hand, it can be said that someone who has already been vaccinated and has developed immunity will not get sick, or if they get sick, they will not have serious complications. The vaccinated person will be less likely to transmit the infection.

The two types of vaccines currently used in Hungary cannot be administered during pregnancy. In general, it is true that a coronavirus vaccine should not be given unless someone is specifically allergic to one of its ingredients. There are no contraindications even if someone is taking a blood thinner.

High blood pressure does not pose any risk when administering the vaccine, on the contrary, Cecília Müller especially recommends that people with high blood pressure, if they are treated according to the vaccination schedule, definitely use the vaccination option.

About the Chinese vaccine: Hungarian experts are currently investigating the Chinese vaccine production technology in China, only the Hungarian health authority will issue the permission for an effective and safe vaccine.

According to epidemiological data, the British mutation has not yet multiplied the number of infected people, but the virus will not behave differently in Hungary than in neighboring countries, so we should expect these variants to become more infected here as well. Currently, the English variant has been detected in 4 people and the virus has been detected in 5 cases at the Center for Public Health and the University of Pécs. Not all have been associated with travel, suggesting that you can transmit those infected in the community to those who are not yet.

3,000 vaccines suitable for vaccination have been received from Russia, have yet to be administered, and the vaccines are being stored and tested. The research so far is extremely encouraging, and on-site research on the Chinese vaccine in China will soon take place at the manufacturing site.

After the first vaccination, complete protection is not developed, in principle someone can become infected after the first vaccination, the patient will be in an acute stage of the disease, no vaccine against the coronavirus or any other vaccine will be administered, they will have to wait recovery and when the patient is considered recovered, they can receive a second dose of the vaccine, a third dose is not required.
