Cecília Müller: the Hungarian coronavirus epidemic is in an exponential phase


On Sunday, koronavírus.gov.hu ​​announced that the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) had been detected in 3,878 new Hungarian citizens, increasing the number of infected people in Hungary to 79,199. Most of the 69 deaths were elderly, chronically ill, so the number of deaths increased to 1,819 and 20,078 have already been recovered. The number of active infections is 57,302. The daily number of cases was the second highest on record so far, only slightly below the peak reported on Saturday. The number of deaths was a new record. Both indicators show a marked upward trend, indicating that they are in a phase of strong acceleration of the epidemic in Hungary.

We will adjust from Monday because it must be toughened, he said in Nagyvenyim on Sunday, the national medical director said in a statement to public media on measures to protect against the coronavirus epidemic. Cecília Müller said that the number of people infected by the coronavirus is increasing day by day, and for the second consecutive day, almost 4,000 new cases are confirmed by laboratory tests. This also increases in direct proportion the number of people requiring hospital treatment. He drew attention to the fact that not only people with an underlying disease or the elderly become moderate to severe.


In the second wave, the proportion of those who cannot be rescued from the ventilator has increased, said János Szlávik, chief infectologist at South Pest Central Hospital, on Sunday night. János Szlávik explained in the ATV Weekly Diary with András Sváby: in the spring wave, about 30 percent of these patients died, this figure is 40-45 percent in the second wave.

Starting on November 2, a further tightening went into effect in Hungary to protect itself against the coronavirus epidemic. Last Thursday, the operations court announced at a press conference that the government will extend the obligation to wear masks to places of hospitality and entertainment starting Monday. Even that day, the government’s decision to extend the mandatory wearing of masks appeared in the Hungarian Gazette. Viktor Orbán qualified this decision in his radio interview on Friday morning that a new world of controls on the use of masks will begin on Monday. Until now, the police have asked, explained, now punished and ready – he said.

Later, it turned out that the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) was detected in 3,581 new Hungarian citizens on Monday, thus increasing the number of infected people in Hungary to 82,780. Most of the 70 deaths are older people, chronic illnesses, and many have not died for a single day.

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