Cecília Müller: The healthcare system is under an extraordinary load these days and I am afraid it will be so even in the future.


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The national medical director, Cecília Müller, began her daily “press conference” saying that “we have been reporting a similar number of new infections for days”. Which might even be a sign that the epidemic has peaked, but in reality is that with as much testing as Hungary does, so many people can become infected. Within tests, the proportion of positive tests does not decrease even if the number of samples increases significantly.

Cecília Müller did not even refer more to the apparently favorable evolution of the newly infected, but went on to what really is an important indicator: the covidos in the hospital and the dead.

The medical director was far from being able to give such favorable data on those hospitalized as on the number of new infections:

“There is an extraordinary burden on the healthcare system these days and I fear it will continue to be in the future. After all, we are witnessing dynamic growth, exponential growth in Hungary and across Europe. We can see that in several European countries the health system has already reached the limit of its performance, we want to avoid it in Hungary. Surely our hospitals are becoming saturated, more and more patients are being treated in the hospital ”.

The number of coronary patients treated in hospital increased by 312 in 24 hours, with a total of 5,183 who already need hospital treatment. (Their number doubled in 10 days.) Chief physician János Slavik recently said they were getting old. There are currently 378 fans. The Slavs estimate their chances of survival at about 50 percent.

According to Müller, “all of Europe is fighting, we are in an extremely difficult situation, so everyone must do what they can to prevent the epidemic.” Then he tried to impress the young people knowing that the night curfew affects them mainly, but they have a great responsibility because they themselves do not realize if they contract the virus or have small symptoms, but take it to their loved ones . “The lives of parents and grandparents are or can be in your hands now.”

Cecília Müller said that of the 84 deaths reported today that, as before, they generally suffered from one or more chronic diseases, but found that only 6 percent of coronaviruses died at autopsy. As a warning sign, it is not just the elderly or the chronic patient who can end up with dire consequences. (At koronavirus.gov.hu, the new victims include a 49-year-old man, a 62-year-old man, and a 75-year-old man, who do not have an underlying illness.)

We forward these questions to operational staff

  • How many coronavirus patients are cared for in the intensive care unit?
  • How many patients without coronavirus are cared for in the intensive care unit?
  • How many of the infected people seen at the hospital tested positive while in the hospital for another illness?
  • How many health workers are currently infected?

They responded because more people asked them about infected healthcare workers. But sadly, based on the number of all healthcare workers infected so far and all infected so far, they have ended up with a rate that says little about the current situation. Anyway, this figure is 3.3 percent, which is an extremely favorable figure according to Cecília Müller.

In the 2018 parliamentary elections, the opposition coalition fell short and Fidesz again won a two-thirds majority. It’s about the secret negotiations that lead here and the infighting behind the scenes. MACRO last edition. Péter Magyari, one of the 444 best-known investigative journalists, conducted background interviews with the most influential actors in Hungarian political life for months, seeking the answer to the basic question of Hungarian democracy: “Can you replace the government in the elections?”

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