Cecília Müller: The epidemic cannot be stopped, the peak is far from over


Capacities across the continent have reached their limits, Müller said. Patients are being transported from one country to another, he said. The number of hospital admissions is also growing in Hungary, putting the health care system under an extraordinary burden.

Today, only 60% of the beds are occupied.

But the machines must also be operated, the growing number of patients must be cared for by doctors and nurses, and so that no patient is left without care, Miklós Kásler ordered that from Tuesday all active care institutions enter the care system for coronavirus patients: the number of beds will increase. number of institutions: we are preparing for the care of all patients.

This requires the suspension of elective measures because these workers must reorganize to care for coronavirus patients. Urgent or non-deferred care must be provided to prevent serious harm to health. The number of institutions that also treat coronavirus patients will increase to 77.

Reproductive procedures, cancer procedures, and transplants can also be performed.
