Cecília Müller: The documentation of the Russian vaccine that arrived in Hungary is already being examined


The coronavirus has spread in Hungary, according to Sunday’s data, ninety percent of settlements are affected, the national medical director said on the current M1 channel on Sunday.

According to MTI Müller Cecília He stressed that the number of deaths was also high on Saturdays, with an average age of 111 deaths, generally elderly, chronic patients, around 76 years of age almost every day of the week. However, he added, both young and middle-aged people die from the disease or are related to it.

Only seven percent of those who die cannot diagnose any underlying disease.

Cecília Müller commented.

Avoid more drastic steps

According to the national medical director, it is encouraging that the number of infections is not increasing further, but it is too early to draw conclusions, as it takes about two weeks after the introduction of protective measures to see results. He stressed that all the measures serve to be able to live life, to be able to go to work and not need more austerity, to introduce drastic measures similar to those of neighboring countries.

He said 7278 people were hospitalized last day, 618 of whom were on a ventilator, indicating that the burden on medical care remains high.


Speaking about the vaccine, Cecília Müller said that she has a strict and complete set of conditions for a vaccine to be on the market. The safety of vaccination in Hungary ensures that we will continue to have the enormous epidemiological advantage over the world and Europe of immunizing our children with twelve types of diseases, and other optional vaccines are available, said the national medical director.

He stressed that two essential properties should ensure the effectiveness and safety for a vaccine is marketed.

The Russian vaccine arriving in Hungary is currently under a documentation review, he said. He stressed that only the vaccines are effective and safe is made available to the public.

He noted that the government has already immobilized 12 million vaccines in three manufacturers. Cecília Müller emphasized that vaccines were made with different technologies and that, based on information from epidemiologists, people could decide with which to vaccinate.

It does not matter where the development comes from, what nationality it is, but what results it produces

Said the national chief physician.

Featured image: Márton Mohos /24.hu
