Cecília Müller said they would ask her for the medical papers of a teacher who had died of a coronavirus to check if she was really covidaus


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Operational staff read our article about a teacher who died of a coronavirus on Saturday at the age of 39, but who has not been included among the official victims since then, Cecília Müller, medical director, said at a “press conference.” daily. He told viewers that “of course we know about the case, we know it, but it is still being identified as we are working hard to provide you with only valid and relevant data.”

Not that family members suspected the teacher was coronavirus. When the man was hospitalized on the 21st with serious respiratory problems, he was tested, which was positive. He was then transferred to the intensive care unit in Covidos. The final report also states that “overall, in a hypertensive and diabetic patient, SARS-2 COVID-induced respiratory failure, ARDS progressed to multiple organ failure, which was no longer reversible with complex intensive therapy and resulted in the death of the patient. “.

In comparison, even today, the teacher who died on Saturday is not included in the official statistics updated daily.

Cecília Müller said that the hospital will be asked for a final report and a death certificate because they contain the details of the deceased and the causes of death, as well as other illnesses. This, he said, “is obviously happening today, and if the deceased’s illness is confirmed, it will obviously be added to the list, among the other deceased.” That is, six days after his death, after the incident became news.

Cecília Müller previously said in the same press conference that there was a sudden capacity shortage in several European countries, so she asked healthcare providers, especially hospitals, to provide more accurate and real-time data. “At the end of the day, it is very important to have updated information, I must say, at the disposal of the health authority every hour to be able to take the necessary steps,” he explained the need for updated data.

Due to the deceased teacher, the Teachers Union demanded from the government greater protection for teachers.

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