Cecília Müller on the coronavirus: prepare for all scenarios


The number of diseases is increasing across Europe and we are clearly in the rising phase of the second wave. We are witnessing a very dynamic change, there was a lack of healthcare capacity in several countries and in several places in Europe, so we asked hospitals to provide data in real time, added Cecília Müller.

There is epidemiological preparation in the country, you have to be prepared for each eventuality, for each scenario.

Preparations are progressing as planned, increasing hospital capacity and the number of intensive care units. These require the right professionals, so assignments are being made as well.

Little by little we are opening the supply points, one of the first line, which is already operating at full capacity. The basic principle is to concentrate patient care in as few hospitals as possible, on the one hand, to make optimal use of material and personal conditions, and on the other hand, so that patients cannot continue to infect ”, added the national chief physician.

To date, 746 key health workers have been transferred from 14 institutions to 14 coronavirus institutions. Patient care is provided in all institutions, with the goal that other institutions can continue to provide patient care.
