Catholic criticism of the Borkai case – said András Veres


Some people are also trying to establish an anti-Christian atmosphere in Hungary, said the His popular words recently elected president of the Hungarian Catholic Episcopal Conference.

There is a kind of deprivation in the world, even in Hungary. It is a headache for all believers, but especially for priests and bishops, how to positively influence this unfavorable process. An important question is how to communicate Christian values ​​or truths of faith to those for whom, due to family upbringing, these are not self-evident and not easily accessible.

He said His popular words Veres András, recently re-elected president of the Hungarian Catholic Bishops’ Conference.

According to Veres, people familiar with public life know that “expressions of anti-Christian concern are frequent in the world, including Hungary. I believe that no society can tolerate or accept someone being mocked for their faith or subjected to any kind of atrocity, whether mental or even physical, because of their religious affiliation. Unfortunately, there are countries in the world where physical atrocities are also common against Christians. Fortunately, we have not yet experienced something like this in Hungary, but in a spiritual sense, certain newspaper articles and certain statements appear several times, which clearly belong to this circle, “said the bishop, who said that” there are people who try to establish a climate anti-Christian also in Hungary.

When asked about the Catholic Church’s relationship with the Hungarian government, Veres said: There are no acute problems that require immediate intervention. Although controversial issues are sometimes raised, they are always given the opportunity to discuss them. “We have opportunities to meet and consult with government representatives. And it is certainly a great pleasure for us that in the last ten years there have been so many church renovations in Hungary that have never been seen before ”.

For the first time, András Veres addressed the public in relation to the Borkai case:

Many journalists contacted me back then, but I felt, and still feel today, that evaluating the case is none of my business. They all learned their lesson. What happened is unacceptable to me. As a Christian, priest, bishop, he could not agree to this action under any circumstances. The mayor in question also drew his own conclusion, the politicians were looking for a solution to this situation. It was his job, thank God, not the church.

Answered His popular word at the request of the bishop.

Featured Image: János Kummer /
