
At home: Miklós Kásler: The new health law will be remembered in 100 years

[ad_1] At home: Miklós Kásler: The new health law will be remembered in 100 years Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”ded73bf5-bb14-4344-800b-203ce3b764b1″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”A Microsoft kutatói olyan eljárást fejlesztettek ki, amellyel az okostelefon kameráját használva, de az eddigiektől eltérően érintésmentesen lehet …

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National disaster is leaving the EU

[ad_1] Brexit is a national disaster in which British society receives much worse conditions than before in exchange for the restoration of the full sovereignty of the United Kingdom. Nostalgia for national greatness defeated common sense, for which the inhabitants of the island nation pay a high price. Finally, this …

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Bundesliga: Thuram apologized to everyone for spitting

[ad_1] As reported, Marcus Thuram, a Borussia Mönchengladbach footballer, was showcased in the championship against Hoffenheim because he spat closely in one of the faces of his opponent, Stefan Poscht. Gladbach’s player has stated that he accepts the consequences of his actions and apologizes to everyone. All this during the …

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Giving the vaccine can be a messy business

[ad_1] Vaccines against the coronavirus have also attracted the attention of criminals, especially in countries where the black market for drugs is huge. In addition to stolen products, there may be obstacles in online deals that offer safe products. Two months ago, an event broke out that draws attention to …

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