
World: Germans suspect that a more contagious version of the coronavirus has already reached them

[ad_1] World: Germans suspect that a more contagious version of the coronavirus has already reached them Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”46a8e32a-f8e6-4371-bf14-0586ba85f4b3″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”A Google a képkeresőjét is gyakran bővíti új funkciókkal. Egy nemrég bevezetett fejlesztés kifejezetten hasznos.”,”shortLead”:”A Google …

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Technology: It took 400 years: the coexistence of Jupiter and Saturn in photos

[ad_1] Technology: it took 400 years: the coexistence of Jupiter and Saturn in photos Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”1b5b13aa-d91a-401c-b662-1a57e546e5c1″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Ma már 452 oktatási intézményben vannak iskolaőrök.”,”shortLead”:”Ma már 452 oktatási intézményben vannak iskolaőrök.”,”id”:”20201221_iskolaor_iskolaorseg_iskola_oktatas”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”7d9f0880-77f8-443b-924c-5b69532306df”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20201221_iskolaor_iskolaorseg_iskola_oktatas”,”timestamp”:”2020. december. 21. 08:50″,”title”:”Még több helyre …

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At home: there are another 180 deaths in the epidemic

[ad_1] At home: the epidemic has another 180 deaths Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”e0c11fd7-19d2-4527-921b-a31961acf176″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Két körözés is érvényben volt az ellen a férfi ellen, aki több kerületen át menekült az őt igazoltatni próbáló rendőrök elől vasárnap.”,”shortLead”:”Két körözés …

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Vaccine: side effect is mandatory, we use active immunization

[ad_1] If few, only 10-20 or even 30 percent of the population are vaccinated with the coronavirus vaccine, then the level of protection will not be enough to stop the epidemic, as it would require protection and vaccination of 60-70 per cent. cent, he told Inforadio. Andras Falus immunologist. Therefore, …

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