
World: Italy closes since midnight, with more than 70,000 dead

[ad_1] World: Italy closed at midnight, more than 70,000 dead Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”4049840d-8746-48bf-ad35-7558940bac6a”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kultura”,”description”:”A sakktörténet legjobb női sakkozója élvezettel nézte a Vezércsel sakkos jeleneteit. Anya-Taylor Joy arról kérdezte, milyen volt nőként a pályán.”,”shortLead”:”A sakktörténet legjobb …

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La Liga: Real Madrid – Granada – NSO

[ad_1] On Wednesday, the 15th of matchday 15 of the Spanish Soccer Championship (La Liga), defending champion Real Madrid beat Granada 2-0 at home. Benzema (left) also scored, won by Real Madrid (Photo: AFP) Ad SPAIN LA LEAGUEROUND 15REAL MADRID – GRANADA 2–0 (0–0)Madrid, Alfredo Di Stéfano Stadium, behind closed …

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World: the new mutation spreading in England is probably from South Africa

[ad_1] World: The new mutation in England is likely to originate in South Africa Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”fb445e34-a534-48a0-a4d4-d39bb2e8cfb0″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Az újonnan azonosított fertőzöttek száma 1300 alatt maradt.rn”,”shortLead”:”Az újonnan azonosított fertőzöttek száma 1300 alatt maradt.rn”,”id”:”20201222_koronavirus_jarvany_fertozes_covid19_halalos_aldozatok”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”df6f3fbd-d4b9-4932-86c6-6bba885fcd54″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20201222_koronavirus_jarvany_fertozes_covid19_halalos_aldozatok”,”timestamp”:”2020. december. 22. 09:15″,”title”:”Újabb …

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Trump vetoed $ 740 billion defense budget

[ad_1] Party 444 Ronda I am joining Donald Trump vetoed the United States Defense Budget Act after it was passed by a large majority of both houses of Congress with bipartisan support. The outgoing president called the budget a gift to China and Russia, limiting the number of US troops …

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Stella Tennant, a ’90s supermodel, died

[ad_1] Party 444 Ronda I am joining British model Stella Tennant, who celebrated her 50th birthday on December 17, unexpectedly passed away on December 22. Scottish police said no suspicious circumstances were found in connection with Tennant’s death. The model is in mourning for the entire world of fashion. Donatella …

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At home: this is how decorative lighting was turned off in Budapest – photos

[ad_1] At home: this is how decorative lighting went out in Budapest – photos Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”99f40393-aef5-44a3-a7b3-533b4fc86edd”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”sport”,”description”:”A húszéves focistát David Beckhamhez és Kevin De Bruyne-höz hasonlította az újság.”,”shortLead”:”A húszéves focistát David Beckhamhez és Kevin …

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Economy: US government could shut down before year-end if Trump redeems threat

[ad_1] Economy: US government could shut down before the end of the year if Trump redeems the threat | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”9879b671-1985-4680-8c08-9306dcddfae7″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”Az autók 2021-ben állnak szolgálatba.”,”shortLead”:”Az autók 2021-ben állnak szolgálatba.”,”id”:”20201223_beszerzes_Skoda_Volkswagen_rendorseg”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”00e50559-3d2b-4cb2-86dc-8c83f1ae6e35″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/cegauto/20201223_beszerzes_Skoda_Volkswagen_rendorseg”,”timestamp”:”2020. december. 23. 09:14″,”title”:”Közel egymilliárd …

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