
Index – Domestic – Faithful but clumsy, faithful but clumsy!

[ad_1] Although the political agenda was largely determined by this year’s coronavirus epidemic, those observing Hungarian public life in 2020 could face really big scandals, shameful failures, which could still thematize public discourse for some time. Now let’s look at these. Our collection is based on subjective aspects, we are …

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World: Samuel Little, the most brutal serial killer in US history, dies

[ad_1] World: Samuel Little, the brutal serial killer in American history, dies Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”9984f914-21d5-4687-a1ef-288027242750″,”c_author”:”MTI /”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Hatvannál személyautóval ütközött egy vonat. A baleset következtében egy felsővezeték-tartó oszlop is megrongálódott.”,”shortLead”:”Hatvannál személyautóval ütközött egy vonat. A …

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World: Wednesday morning earthquakes were also felt in Hungary

[ad_1] World: Wednesday morning earthquakes can also be felt in Hungary Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”aaa4c8c5-9c5d-4ac7-b5c8-c7feaf0ddce9″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Létrejött az első olyan koalíció, melynek célja zsarolóvírusok miatti fenyegetések gyors és hatékony kezelése. A csapatot a Microsoft is segíti.”,”shortLead”:”Létrejött az …

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These are the rules for this year’s New Year’s Eve fireworks

[ad_1] Due to the epidemic, precautions have also been taken regarding New Year’s Eve fireworks. Fireworks will not be available in public places this year and standard New Year’s Eve pyrotechnics will not be available, it notes in its Communication on Disaster Management. The National General Directorate for Disaster Management …

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