
World: Eight teenagers drown in Bosnia and Herzegovina

[ad_1] World: Eight teenagers drown in Bosnia and Herzegovina | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”205f37f5-c529-439b-912c-63f60a2af5b4″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”A világon elsőként Izraelben érték el a lakosság több mint 10 százalékának beoltását. Sajtóhírek szerint az oltásokért jóval többet fizettek, mint az …

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Anderson waits between the four to win the Van Gerwens match

[ad_1] Gary Anderson won 5-1 against Dirk van Duijvenbode of the Netherlands, while Stephen Bunting defeated Krzysztof Ratajski of Poland 5: 3 in the quarterfinals of the PDC World Darts Championship in London at Alexandra Palace on Friday the 5th of the program. In the afternoon, twice PDC and BDO …

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A turn may come in Russia, in search of Putin’s successor

[ad_1] There are indications that Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided that while he could, he will not run in the 2024 presidential election, but will provide a suitable successor and step away from everyday politics. Russian society no longer expects anything new from her. Vladimir Putin has exhausted his …

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