
At home: 103 other people have died and the coronavirus epidemic has 1307 new infections at home

[ad_1] At home: 103 other people have died and the coronavirus epidemic has 1307 new infections at home | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”0ea97191-b459-41bc-9b2f-22b900f66f8e”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Lezárult a New York-i NY1 hírcsatornát érintő életkori és nemi megkülönböztetéssel kapcsolatos per. …

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Index – National – Has vaccination order

[ad_1] According to vaccination plan citizens over 18 years of age with a TAJ number who have not been diagnosed with coronavirus infection in the last six months, so that whoever contracted the infection in spring can be vaccinated, according to a brochure updated yesterday by the National Health Center. …

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Index – Culture – Father Tibi: Who asked you?

[ad_1] He explains his thoughts on many different topics, mainly by dissecting things in different chapters that are a bit new, since in most cases they may be related to the media, but not interesting in the tangible and clear, but in their creation and impact on people. Máté Tóth, …

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RealWorld: Gina withdrew from the duel

[ad_1] He is the fifth to be eliminated. They organized the Real world their fourth duel, where someone left the team that had been previously eliminated. Say, Gábor and Amanda is. (Has strange champagne drinking habits VV Mercédesz practically dropped out after his first dinner, he couldn’t team up). A …

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RTL Klub also can’t get its own stars to be widely accepted

[ad_1] 2021.01.02. 19:15 “You’re nauseous, you’re a gay kid” is sung on RTL two while János Áder’s New Year’s greeting is mixed with a little finger on the main channel so they don’t broadcast “hate speech.” As the liberal media celebrated RTL’s gay propaganda on New Year’s Eve, statements denigrating …

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