
Róbert Ludasi, a master kayak-canoe trainer, died

[ad_1] Ludasi Róbert The head coach died at the age of 68 with tragic speed. At dawn on Sunday, he died in his sleep. Almost all successful Hungarian canoeists of the past three decades were his students, reported, two-time Olympic champion György Kolonics, Csaba Horváth, György Kozmann, Tamás Kiss, …

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The late György Kolonics’ coach died in his sleep

[ad_1] In the obituary of the Hungarian Kayak-Canoe Association (MKKSZ), he recalls that almost all of the expert’s students were successful Hungarian canoes of the last three decades, the two-time Olympic champion György Kolonics, Csaba Horváth, György Kozmann, Tamás Kiss, Edvin Csabai and several other world champion riders as well. …

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Coronavirus: the disease is spreading rapidly around the world

[ad_1] Worldwide, the number of people living with coronavirus rose to 84,543,432, the number of deaths to 1,835,558 and the number of people cured to 47,573,839, according to data Sunday morning from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. The day before, 83,960,358 people were registered, the number of fatalities was 1,827,178 …

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Former Györgyék Kolonics coach passed away

[ad_1] Master trainer Róbert Ludasi died suddenly at the age of 68, announced the official website of the Hungarian Canoe Kayak Association (MKKSZ). His students were almost all successful Hungarian canoeists from the last three decades, the two-time Olympic champion György Kolonics, Csaba Horváth, György Kozmann, Tamás Kiss, Edvin Csabai …

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At home: a security guard was abused by a man at the Este train station

[ad_1] At home: a security guard was abused by a man at the eastern train station Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”9a0a8cc0-caee-4dc0-8d61-9c612a130ac0″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Olaszországban az ablakból videózták le, ahogyan egy teljes gázzal érkező boltos megpróbálja autójával útját állni a …

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Car: Even the police were surprised, they caught many speeding in Óbuda

[ad_1] Car: Even the police were surprised, they caught so many speeding in Óbuda | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”44181c49-e7dd-4f69-869d-d19990f4f066″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Több településen is romlott a levegő minősége, sok a szálló por.”,”shortLead”:”Több településen is romlott a levegő minősége, …

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