
EUrologist: EU may impose travel restrictions

[ad_1] EUrologus: EU may impose travel restrictions Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”41435a98-9468-4265-bd1d-6af70e4ac0f7″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”A Biden-kormány nagy feladata az amerikai Kína-politika megalkotása lesz, a szövetségesek felé való visszafordulás várható.”,”shortLead”:”A Biden-kormány nagy feladata az amerikai Kína-politika megalkotása lesz, a szövetségesek …

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“We let go of the great advantage, but on time and

[ad_1] The Hungarian men’s handball team won another two points after defeating Brazil in the semi-finals of the World Cup in Egypt 29-23. After the match, in addition to federal captain István Gulyás, Adrián Sipos, Roland Mikler and Stefaj Sunajko scored M4 Sport. There was always someone who took responsibility, …

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Here are the 13 biggest questions we hope to answer in 2021

[ad_1] In its latest analysis, Citibank has compiled the 13 questions that may be most important in 2021: 1. What to expect from the new American leadership? After the inauguration of Joe Biden, the question is no longer whether the transition will be peaceful, it seems that by now Donald …

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