[ad_1] For the second day in a row, the number of victims of the coronavirus epidemic in Italy was less than 300, the Italian civil protection authority said Friday night. The number of active infections dropped by more than 600 in one day. The death toll was 269 on Friday, …
Read More »Index – Tech-Science – United States allows the use of a drug that has so far been shown to be ineffective
[ad_1] 05/01/2020. 23:15 The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued an emergency license for an ebole medication called remdesivir, writes CNN. Drug maker Gilead Sciences said a week ago that the drug had proven ineffective, but the FDA is now allowing serious Covid-19 patients to receive the …
Read More »Despite the law, there were many actions in Berlin on May 1
[ad_1] Dozens of events announced on the occasion of Labor Day were held in Berlin, where thousands of orders were gathered to enforce legal regulations and uncover illegal movements by far-right organizations. German authorities authorized 30 protests on Friday. According to the special rules introduced for coronary artery disease, the …
Read More »Kim Jong Un lltlag l s taott a gyirat
[ad_1] Twenty days later, Kim Jong Un appeared in the Korean Korean government. The last time the Prt Communist political committee was shown was April 11. There was a lot of speculation about where it went. There have been reports of cheeses indicating that he had a heavy heart and …
Read More »World: Twenty days later, Kim Jong Un
[ad_1] World: Kim Jong Un | came out after twenty days hvg.hu Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”ee36c229-1f3c-4061-8ffe-34ac7973acbd”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Állásfoglalást adott ki az amerikai Országos Hírszerzési Igazgatóság a SARS-CoV-2 eredetéről.”,”shortLead”:”Állásfoglalást adott ki az amerikai Országos Hírszerzési Igazgatóság a SARS-CoV-2 eredetéről.”,”id”:”20200501_koronavirus_jarvany_fertozes_amerikai_hirszerzes_zoonozis”,”image”:”https://img4.hvg.hu/image.aspx?id=ee36c229-1f3c-4061-8ffe-34ac7973acbd&view=ffdb5e3a-e632-4abc-b367-3d9b3bb5573b”,”index”:0,”item”:”f89a25af-36f4-42cd-8a5a-de01b0c65233″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/tudomany/20200501_koronavirus_jarvany_fertozes_amerikai_hirszerzes_zoonozis”,”timestamp”:”2020. május. …
Read More »Revealed by Kim Jongun 24.hu
[ad_1] After 20 days, he appeared again in public. Kim Jongun North Korean dictator, KCNA writes quoting a local state news agency, the BBC. According to the report, he was present at the delivery of a fertilizer plant to northern Pyongyang, the capital, on Friday. KCNA writes that Kim Jongun …
Read More »Index – Abroad – New York improves, worsens in the south, and some states slowly lift restrictions
[ad_1] There were fewer new coronavirus patients in New York state on Friday, but the number of infections has skyrocketed in the southern states and Washington, writes the MTI. New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo said at a daily news conference that while about 1,000 patients are still being transported …
Read More »A dramatic announcement may come: Kim Jong Un is almost certain to be dead
[ad_1] What is the essence of the information? Ji Seong-ho told the South Korean news agency Yonhap without citing his source: They were informed that Kim had died last weekend. It is not 100%, but I can say that the probability of that is 99%. The politician also referred in …
Read More »Index – Foreign – WHO: We are convinced that the virus is of natural origin
[ad_1] 05/01/2020. 21:10 The World Health Organization (WHO) is convinced that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is not man-made but natural in nature, according to a Reuters video posted on Twitter. Time and time again, we have heard countless scientists review the sequences and the virus, and we are convinced that this …
Read More »However, the coronavirus epidemic could make a difference to save the climate.
[ad_1] The coronavirus crisis is likely to lead to the largest decline in anthropogenic carbon emissions, followed by a low-carbon economic recovery, Goldman Sachs said. In response to the epidemic and in late April to prevent its spread, restrictive government measures were introduced in 187 countries, affecting virtually the entire …
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