
Despite the law, there were many actions in Berlin on May 1

[ad_1] Dozens of events announced on the occasion of Labor Day were held in Berlin, where thousands of orders were gathered to enforce legal regulations and uncover illegal movements by far-right organizations. German authorities authorized 30 protests on Friday. According to the special rules introduced for coronary artery disease, the …

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Kim Jong Un lltlag l s taott a gyirat

[ad_1] Twenty days later, Kim Jong Un appeared in the Korean Korean government. The last time the Prt Communist political committee was shown was April 11. There was a lot of speculation about where it went. There have been reports of cheeses indicating that he had a heavy heart and …

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World: Twenty days later, Kim Jong Un

[ad_1] World: Kim Jong Un | came out after twenty days Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”ee36c229-1f3c-4061-8ffe-34ac7973acbd”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Állásfoglalást adott ki az amerikai Országos Hírszerzési Igazgatóság a SARS-CoV-2 eredetéről.”,”shortLead”:”Állásfoglalást adott ki az amerikai Országos Hírszerzési Igazgatóság a SARS-CoV-2 eredetéről.”,”id”:”20200501_koronavirus_jarvany_fertozes_amerikai_hirszerzes_zoonozis”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”f89a25af-36f4-42cd-8a5a-de01b0c65233″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/tudomany/20200501_koronavirus_jarvany_fertozes_amerikai_hirszerzes_zoonozis”,”timestamp”:”2020. május. …

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Revealed by Kim Jongun

[ad_1] After 20 days, he appeared again in public. Kim Jongun North Korean dictator, KCNA writes quoting a local state news agency, the BBC. According to the report, he was present at the delivery of a fertilizer plant to northern Pyongyang, the capital, on Friday. KCNA writes that Kim Jongun …

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