
750 have died IV. Bla, the second base of operations

[ad_1] He died on July 3, 1270, IV. The Hungarian king of Bla rpd, who brought the country almost completely destroyed after the Tatras. II. Andrs’ oldest son was born in November 1206. Everything was cold when his mother, Gertrudis, became the victim of an assassination attempt (this incident was …

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At home: And how much did you pay attention to the news of coronavirus? – Here is the resulting questionnaire

[ad_1] At home: And how much did you pay attention to the news of coronavirus? – Here is the questionnaire that shows Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”d45e362f-6081-4fbb-addd-a6103a4da494″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Arról akarnak képet kapni, hogy hogyan változott az élelmiszerekhez fűződő viszonyunk …

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Economy: and tens of thousands of people who lose their jobs can prepare for public work

[ad_1] Economy: and tens of thousands of people who lose their jobs can prepare for public works Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”9928a26e-106b-4f5e-9b0a-3e22ea2d8e20″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”Mostanáig ötszáz fölött jár a számuk. A kkv-k a legaktívabbak.”,”shortLead”:”Mostanáig ötszáz fölött jár a számuk. A …

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Again, the death toll in Italy approached five hundred.

[ad_1] It jumped again, increasing the number of deaths from the coronavirus epidemic in Italy in a single day by 474, to 28,710, the Italian civil protection authority said Saturday night. The number of active infections dropped by more than two hundred in one day. The death toll has increased …

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