
Economy: Supplement of the year: the mouth mask

[ad_1] Economy: Supplement for the year: the mouth mask Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”e1bede4a-645a-4642-b992-59ac0d9cddfb”,”c_author”:”Németh András”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”A kutatók már évekkel ezelőtt figyelmeztettek, hogy elkerülhetetlen egy újabb veszélyes világjárvány kitörése. Most, hogy az új koronavírus rászabadult az emberiségre, érdemes lenne komolyabban venni …

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World: the number of daily deaths in Italy has dropped below two hundred

[ad_1] World: daily deaths in Italy drop below two hundred Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”681db971-a5fd-4e3a-a3a1-84a29521d41b”,”c_author”:”Kovács István”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Ahogy közeledik a trianoni békediktátum évfordulója, úgy törnek elő újult erővel különféle mítoszok a döntések hátteréről, illetve egy nem létező 100 éves …

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Another Italian mystery appeared after the virus raged

[ad_1] In Italy, they are slowly loosening the rules introduced due to the coronavirus epidemic, but the Roman government is indebted to explaining exactly to the people what their plan is, for example, why they are allowed to open bookstores while the church service limits. The Italian government can pat …

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Index – Abroad – London hospitals can breathe a little

[ad_1] 05/03/2020. 18:17 The number of victims of the UK coronavirus epidemic increased by 315, with a total of 28,466 deaths reported so far, British Chief of Staff Michael Gove said on Sunday at a press conference. The number of confirmed coronavirus cases is 186,599. He also spoke about the …

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Index – Abroad – The second phase of the epidemic begins in Italy

[ad_1] With the relaunch of factories, the automotive, textile and construction industries, and urban public transport, the so-called second phase of the epidemic in Italy will begin on Monday. Almost 4.5 million workers are rehired, but many are only telecommuting, and curfew restrictions have yet to be fully removed. According …

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There may be a change you never thought of in your dreams

[ad_1] Many around the world are trying to figure out what can change once they manage to overcome the coronavirus epidemic, believing that people will never behave the way they used to. What changes could they have thought of? Most Americans already believe that we know it will be one …

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