
At home: Official numbers released on the epidemic are changing strangely

[ad_1] At home: the official numbers on the epidemic change strangely Would you like to be informed about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”da556aaa-c5d0-46cc-b129-1aff9a9170ad”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Éveket kellett várni arra, hogy a Microsoft bemutassa a Surface táblagép és laptop legújabb modelljeit. Ennek fényében nem meglepő: igen nagyot nőtt …

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At Home: Your Christmas Request Has Not Been Found Yet With Operational Staff

[ad_1] Start: Christmas request has not yet been submitted for operational staff Would you like to be informed about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”a9d36bb4-ffe9-41fe-85a1-c47fb460ae0a”,”c_author”:”László Ferenc”,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Ma már nem feltétlenül kell sokat fizetnünk, ha nagykijelzős okostelefont szeretnénk vásárolni. Megnéztük mit tud a gyakorlatban a Galaxy S20+-nál …

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338 companies would save 62,000 jobs

[ad_1] Sir Szijjrt Pter said gy A total of 62,000 jobs could be saved. The ministry launched a joint program with the National Council of Investors three weeks ago. We support the investment of companies that retain jobs. The government is now said to be doubling the originally planned budget …

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At Home: Popular Words: Patients Can Slowly Begin Hospitalization

[ad_1] At Home: Popular Words: Patients Can Slowly Begin Hospitalization | Would you like to be informed about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”875b8bc5-2d5d-4882-8ee5-c59674f53f79″,”c_author”:”Vándor Éva”,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Teljes erővel dübörög az Obama-nosztalgia a Netflix új dokumentumfilmjében. De egyértelmű az is, hogy minden inspiráló üzenetnek a rasszizmus mocsarából kell …

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Lifestyle +: Much of the lessons could be triggered by distance learning, even after the epidemic.

[ad_1] Lifestyle +: Much of the lessons could be triggered by distance learning, even after the epidemic. Would you like to be informed about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”fa9ed7ea-55c0-42c7-9d53-9464717cdb1e”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Intézmények bezárásról posztolgatott, rémhírterjesztés megalapozott gyanúja miatt hallgatták ki.”,”shortLead”:”Intézmények bezárásról posztolgatott, rémhírterjesztés megalapozott gyanúja miatt hallgatták …

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