
Technology: 4,700 meters deep found in a legendary shipwreck in the Pacific Ocean

[ad_1] Technology: 4,700 yards deep in a legendary wreck in the Pacific | Would you like to be informed about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”408c7d0d-4d79-40df-a2a2-2ba9433dbe59″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kultura”,”description”:”A Libri irodalmi díj és a Libri irodalmi közönségdíj ünnepélyes átadóját május 13-án este tartották – a rendkívüli helyzetre való …

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The Mercedes or the retirement? – F1VILÁG.HU

[ad_1] German press reports say Sebastian Vettel is playing in the Formula 1 pilot market on an all-or-nothing basis: The four-time world champion will either hire Mercedes or end his career in late 2020. Ferrari announced on Tuesday that it will not renew its contract, which expires this year, with …

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At home: Pest County restrictions have also been eased, the government has not yet decided on Budapest

[ad_1] At Home: Pest County restrictions have also been eased, the government has not yet decided on Budapest Would you like to be informed about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”8b2326e6-3e5f-41d4-a358-5d1c8959b6cf”,”c_author”:”MTI/”,”category”:”kultura”,”description”:”Ausztrál csapat nyerte a mesterséges intelligencián (MI) alapuló Eurovíziós Dalversenyt. A Beautiful the World című …

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all or nothing? – Vettel poker game for Mercedes seat

[ad_1] Sebastian Vettel arrived at Ferrari with high hopes, but this German-Italian marriage was not as successful as the childhood hero, his great predecessor Michael Schumacher, was able to achieve with the team. The four-time world champion now faces important questions: he has to decide whether he wants to go …

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Index – Technology – GTA5 free for everyone!

[ad_1] We’re breaking our longstanding tradition (two months!) And starting our low-cost monthly recommendation article with an extraordinary announcement: Epic Games Store is delivering the hugely successful Grand Theft Auto 5, one of the best-selling video of all times, for free. In case anyone doesn’t know what it’s all about, …

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Itthon: Nem mehetett el Brüsszelbe, a Facebookon tette közzé védőbeszédét Varga Judit

[ad_1] Itthon: Nem mehetett el Brüsszelbe, a Facebookon tette közzé védőbeszédét Varga Judit | Szeretne azonnal értesülni a legfontosabb hiperkről? Nem kerem Kerem [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”e7a9c53a-df1d-44bc-b825-fae5b458faa6″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”A koronavírus-járvány sok mindent megváltoztathat az autóiparban is.”,”shortLead”:”A koronavírus-járvány sok mindent megváltoztathat az autóiparban is.”,”id”:”20200513_Azok_a_francia_autogyartok_kaphatnanak_segelyt_akik_hazaviszik_a_termelest”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”7a8cd5bf-c531-4cbb-a0f7-2682f73c36ff”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/gazdasag/20200513_Azok_a_francia_autogyartok_kaphatnanak_segelyt_akik_hazaviszik_a_termelest”,”timestamp”:”2020. május. 13. 10:15″,”title”:”A francia kormány a segítségért cserébe azt kéri az …

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