
Economy: Viktor Orbán travels to Slovenia

[ad_1] Economy: Viktor Orbán travels to Slovenia Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”ac438a2c-3a81-498c-9809-70a370d4b975″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Az EdisonKids őszi kihívására 10 és 16 év közötti gyerekek, fiatalok munkáit várják. A cél a tudomány korszerű és kreatív népszerűsítése.”,”shortLead”:”Az EdisonKids őszi kihívására 10 …

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Technology: there are 292 new infections, but no one has died from the coronavirus

[ad_1] Technology: 292 new infected but no one killed by coronavirus Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”c72573b7-aed1-487c-a6fe-f22830c52992″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kultura”,”description”:”Valószínűleg elmarad a Gyilkosság az Orient expresszen bemutatója.”,”shortLead”:”Valószínűleg elmarad a Gyilkosság az Orient expresszen bemutatója.”,”id”:”20200828_Koronavirusfertozott_a_Thalia_Szinhazban”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”ca0c32f1-2032-4f3d-83b9-6e81ebd07bd4″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/kultura/20200828_Koronavirusfertozott_a_Thalia_Szinhazban”,”timestamp”:”2020. augusztus. 28. 15:04″,”title”:”Koronavírus-fertőzött egy társulati tag …

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Tech: For 9 years, three men have uploaded the films to the network, now they have been arrested

[ad_1] Technology: Three men put the films on the net for 9 years, now they have been arrested Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”740e5a40-9380-446a-9445-ed416ce7d771″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A miniszterelnök szombat reggel azt üzente, hogy ha ismét összefogunk, meg tudjuk fékezni a …

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25 million coronavirus infections have already been recorded

[ad_1] There are already 24,996,456 people infected with the coronavirus epidemic worldwide, with 842,499 deaths and 16,409,757 recovered, according to a Sunday morning summary from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. A day earlier, 24,649,431 people were registered, with 835,793 deaths and 16,121,236 recovered. The infection is present in 188 countries …

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