
The entire town was terrified of drugs in Baranya.

[ad_1] Surprising things came to light about Vilmos V, 36, the most popular drug dealer in Baranya County: the man regularly insulted cheese relatives, resolved the dispute with a poem, and 80 slices of the Hungarian online drug market were in her hands. In two years, he became a billionaire …

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At home: a school in Nagyvázsony was closed due to a coronavirus infection

[ad_1] At home: a school in Nagyvázsony was closed due to a coronavirus infection Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”449fede8-39ef-46e4-a709-7719d4c8e2f6″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kkv”,”description”:”A veterán műsorvezetőt többmilliós fizetéssel szerződtették a Retro Rádióhoz a Blikk szerint.”,”shortLead”:”A veterán műsorvezetőt többmilliós fizetéssel szerződtették a …

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At home: a kindergarten in Kőbánya was closed because one of the workers was coronavirus

[ad_1] At home: a kindergarten in Kőbánya was closed because one of the workers was coronavirus Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”b8544aa2-bf1a-4814-9e02-0b43e1cdbb7f”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A szert feltehetően kínai laborokban állítják elő.”,”shortLead”:”A szert feltehetően kínai laborokban állítják elő.”,”id”:”20200901_bika_dizajnerdrog”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”4f4e927e-640c-4d00-a611-9d16c41624d2″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20200901_bika_dizajnerdrog”,”timestamp”:”2020. szeptember. 01. 14:11″,”title”:”21 …

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Kna plans to double the number of its nuclear weapons

[ad_1] Kna plans to at least double its nuclear arsenal in the next decade, the US Defense Department has warned. In a recent report, the Pentagon reported that the Far East currently has around two nuclear warheads, and the Knai Npi Liberation Army is the world’s largest military force and …

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Historic lawsuit begins Wednesday

[ad_1] The recording of the trial until 10 November is an exceptional opportunity, since the recordings of the judicial proceedings are prohibited in France. The exception is allowed because the claim is of particular importance to the historical archives of the judiciary. On January 7, 2015, two French jihadists stormed …

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Márton Fucsovics has reached the level of the US Open

[ad_1] Márton Fucsovics achieved the first victory of his career at the main table of the American Open tennis championship: the Hungarian player outpointed Hugo Dellient in three games in the first round on Tuesday. The Nyíregyháza tennis player said goodbye in the first round every time between 2016 and …

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