
At home: Normafa is closed and a ban on visits to the forest is imposed

[ad_1] At home: Normafa is closed and a ban on visits to the forest is imposed Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”92a45a8b-693a-4ae0-8ff5-7c3407891707″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kultura”,”description”:”A Super Bowlon mutatták be Tim Burton harminc éves klasszikusa, az Ollókezű Edward folytatását, persze egy …

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Technology: OGYÉI to whom the Russian Sputnik V vaccine is not recommended

[ad_1] Tech: OGYÉI Reveals Who Russian Sputnik V Vaccine Is Not Recommended For | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”6eca97d2-28b8-4b7f-aeea-bfa2853b656e”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”A koronavírus-járvány alatt különösen fontos, hogy betartsunk néhány alapvető szabályt.”,”shortLead”:”A koronavírus-járvány alatt különösen fontos, hogy betartsunk néhány alapvető …

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The woman who accused Henrik Havas of harassment was charged

[ad_1] Havas henrik defamation lawsuit Eva Baukóversus. Blikk writes that another lawsuit will be filed over the harassment allegations that emerged in 2017, but now the former prosecutor will be the defendant in the case. In 2017, Havas was accused by several of them of sexual harassment. An internal investigation …

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Index – Culture – Áron Molnár continues to accuse the active actor and director of sexual harassment

[ad_1] Following László Sárosdi’s accusation of harassment of László Marton, award-winning directors Kossuth and Mari Jászai, Áron Molnár, also known as “noÁr”, realized that phenomena previously considered “natural” actually exhausted the concept of sexual abuse, in an interview with Partizan. Áron Molnár recalled a story as a teenager when, at …

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Index – Economics – How Restaurants Pay to Order Online

[ad_1] Even before Covid, the popularity of online ordering continued to grow, but it was really the restrictions introduced due to the epidemic that ushered in the “golden age” of home delivery. The biggest players have significant growthexperienced But restaurants were at a crossroads due to closures if they didn’t …

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