
F1: starts with a new Renault name 2021 – official

[ad_1] Renault confirmed at the Italian Grand Prix on Sunday that it will start in Formula 1 as the Alpine F1 Team in the 2021 season. Renault will start next year as Alpine F1 Team (Photo: AFP) Ad On Friday, the racing weekend at Monza, rumors surfaced that a major …

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Coronavirus: the vaccine will cost 3,500 HUF

[ad_1] This program will email you the title and introduction of the article, all you have to do is enter the recipient’s email address. You can also add some line comments to the message in the “Comment” section. The president of the pharmaceutical company Sanofi reported today that a vaccine …

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At home: 495 new infected coronaviruses were found

[ad_1] At home: 495 new coronaviruses infected | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”effc7f2e-5f66-4d17-8d35-de49f1c78fed”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Júliusban az átlagosnál harmincezerrel többen haltak meg Oroszországban, és a legújabb halálozási adatok is arra utalnak, hogy a moszkvai hatóságok jelentősen alábecsülik a koronavírus-járvány …

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Queen Elizabeth’s Bodyguard – World Star

[ad_1] Queen Isabel and Prince Philip announced their engagement in July 1947, and four months later they connected their lives. At the time, Elizabeth was 21 years old. She met the prince when she was 13 years old and knew that one day they would get married. However, The Sun …

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Tech: A spy war is unfolding over the COVID vaccine

[ad_1] Tech: A spy war breaks out over the COVID vaccine | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”359c9afa-9143-47d7-a0e6-140ca2a3a569″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kultura”,”description”:”A kényszerű járványszünet után premierrel tér vissza a színház.”,”shortLead”:”A kényszerű járványszünet után premierrel tér vissza a színház.”,”id”:”20200904_Alfoldi_Roberttel_nyit_az_Atrium”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”f990e050-dd33-4b05-aa31-40058c886a0a”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/kultura/20200904_Alfoldi_Roberttel_nyit_az_Atrium”,”timestamp”:”2020. szeptember. 04. 11:55″,”title”:”Alföldi …

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