
At home: the amount of coronavirus in wastewater increased in Budapest and three large cities

[ad_1] At home: the amount of coronavirus in wastewater increased in Budapest and three large cities Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”58f849e1-571b-4714-8e87-7029322071a8″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”sport”,”description”:”Hiába olasz a szövetségi kapitányunk, a vereség megmagyarázásánál már átvette a legjobb magyar szokásokat.”,”shortLead”:”Hiába olasz a …

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Life + Style: Cecília Esztergályos on the SZFE affair: Thank God there is democracy

[ad_1] Life + Style: Cecília Esztergályos on the SZFE affair: Thank God, there is democracy | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”656b3457-5ac9-4773-81fe-9d178ed6d80e”,”c_author”:”Zsámboki János”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Biológus szerzőnk a genetikailag módosított szúnyogok bevetésének történetét a csavarlegyek kiirtásának históriájával kezdi. Utóbbi a …

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Attila Vidnyánszky: “You have to go through this”

[ad_1] New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj. I’m interested Attila Vidnyánszky gives daily interviews to government media about the University of Theater and Film Arts, and today a longer conversation with him appeared in Mandiner, of which we highlight three details. 1. About the Board Mandiner: Is there …

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Index – National – One in 100 Hungarians infected with a coronavirus – says the researcher of the world famous Hungarian network

[ad_1] 2020.09.08. 13:33 Albert-László Barabási, a Hungarian physicist and network researcher, posted his estimate on his Facebook post. The network researcher is rumored to have told his American friends about the “Hungarian miracle” in the summer, that is, how incredibly fast life in Hungary returned to normal after the first …

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Géza M. Tóth does not teach at SZFE either

[ad_1] Géza M. Tóth He also leaves the University of Theater and Film Arts. The director, who runs the institution as rector from 2014 to 2019, writes in a post posted on Facebook that The most attractive structural model of any human community (family, settlement, workplace, church congregation) is self-government, …

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