
NL, A-League: Sweden-Portugal – NSO

[ad_1] In the Nations League, Sweden, which started in the first Group A match in Group 3, defeated Portugal, who defeated the Croats by a wide margin, in Solna. The Portuguese national team played better at all times, although the commissioner’s victory was greatly added by the fact that the …

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Cecília Müller confirmed the sampling capacity

[ad_1] There has been an increased demand for coronavirus tests in the last 24 hours Müller Cecília The National Chief Medical Officer further strengthened sampling capacity on September 8, write and Magyar Hírlap, referring to the announcement from the National Center for Public Health (NNK). Under Tuesday’s decision, the …

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At home: Emmi has tightened epidemiological rules for schools

[ad_1] At home: Emmi has tightened epidemiological rules for schools Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”a5c5581c-88f1-4f11-a726-8017181e7369″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Az eddiginél 20-30 perccel több idő lesz Budapestről Pécsre vagy Kaposvárra eljutni.”,”shortLead”:”Az eddiginél 20-30 perccel több idő lesz Budapestről Pécsre vagy Kaposvárra …

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