
The Hungarian Tourism Agency did not tell the data protection authority who would advise on the assessment of the billionaires’ subsidies.

[ad_1] What you need to know in 2021, every morning. Corruption investigation organization K-Monitor wrote on Sunday that the Hungarian Tourism Agency (NGO) refused to reveal to the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information who are members of the “professional body” that advises the agency when evaluating …

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Where should you stay as a retiree? The generation that changed their regime did not have a quiet old age, but it did not pass them – Woman and man

[ad_1] Since my parents retired, I have been embarrassed. Not because I can no longer retire with a clear conscience, but because I realized that I think of people of retirement age as stereotypically as those who write children’s stories: in my little girl’s storybooks, Grandma is still being a …

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Messi fought again, Barcelona simn winning

[ad_1] Barcelona, ​​led by Lionel Messi, beat Deportivo Alavés 5-1 at home on matchday 23 of the Spanish Soccer Championship on Saturday night. Barcelona have established a fairly tough stance against Alavés, initially with Riqui Puig educated in cheese, as well as 18-year-old Ilaix Mori, who was the first to …

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The Olympic weightlifting champion has died

[ad_1] At the age of eighty-five, Yuri Vlasov, who won the Olympic championship in Soviet colors in weightlifting at the Five Ring Games in Rome in 1960, died. The HCLU reported the death of the heavyweight athlete on Saturday. According to a statement from the Russian Federation, Vlasov underwent surgery …

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Sport: Scored his first point with Pál Hertha Dárdai

[ad_1] Sport: Got his first point with Hertha Dárdai Pál | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”91681ae9-7422-4c09-81fb-e746cb436734″,”c_author”:”László Ferenc”,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”2021-ben már a Maserati sem engedheti meg magának, hogy semmibe vegye a hibrid technológiát, de szerencsére ettől még az új Ghibli …

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Cult: Gábor Máté: I will keep running this round, after that I will definitely stop

[ad_1] Cult: Gábor Máté: I will keep running this round, after that I will definitely stop | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”cb50f61f-f6fa-4789-81ca-4d20801bc809″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kultura”,”description”:”Az összes jegy elkelt a Pesti Színház Kvartett című előadásának online vetítésére, amelyben Börcsök Enikő játszotta …

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These are now the largest cities in the world.

[ad_1] Defining the largest cities in the world is not that simple, as many cities are constantly growing and the fact that a city is also populated does not necessarily mean that it is also the largest. Thus, despite the fact that Tokyo-Yokohama has 38 million inhabitants, the first place …

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