
In a matter of days, everything could collapse at Bayern Munich

[ad_1] David Alaba against Yussuf Poulsen. Robert Lewandowski against Willi Orban and Péter Gulácsi. The participants of the first duel met on Wednesday in the qualifying rounds of the Austro-Danish World Cup, the last on Thursday at the Hungarian-Polish Championship in Budapest. The former can be repeated at club level …

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At home: Covidos can fly the virus four meters away

[ad_1] At home: Covidos can fly the virus four meters away Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”4e1ab056-aefd-4a7e-a45b-37e4ec1bb07a”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Egy francia kutatócsoport annak járt utána, miért válnak egyes ételek még ízletesebbé vagy épp ellenkezőleg, kevésbé jóízűvé, ha vörösbor mellé fogyasztják ezeket.”,”shortLead”:”Egy …

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Bad news for Hungarians: we can’t plan a laid-back vacation

[ad_1] The body’s immune response to the coronavirus begins about two weeks after the first vaccination, or after infection, and takes several weeks to complete. Among the antibodies that recognize the virus, IgM-type antibodies appear for the first time in the blood, and then, about a week after the second …

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