
Economy: According to Viktor Orbán, the Hungarian opposition is like a sausage

[ad_1] Economy: According to Viktor Orbán, the Hungarian opposition is like a sausage Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”b6f5cedd-c970-402e-9f04-078a35973e9f”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Eddig mintegy 90-szer intézkedtek a tanév kezdete óta.rnrnrn”,”shortLead”:”Eddig mintegy 90-szer intézkedtek a tanév kezdete óta.rnrnrn”,”id”:”20200919_Tobb_helyen_az_iskolaorok_lettek_a_maszkfelelosok_portasok”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”acd4fc54-4dd9-4f8d-85eb-7c9752e2f28c”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20200919_Tobb_helyen_az_iskolaorok_lettek_a_maszkfelelosok_portasok”,”timestamp”:”2020. szeptember. 19. 08:22″,”title”:”Több helyen …

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World: Trump continues to please Trim

[ad_1] World: Trump continues to please Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”406c7052-75cf-4f72-b7e6-a34cfa999271″,”c_author”:”Windisch Judit”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A javak újraelosztása zajlik Magyarországon, gazdasági és kulturális értelemben egyaránt. A hatalom klientúrát épít, ennek egy fejezete a Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetem einstandolása. Ez a …

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At home: New record: more than a thousand were infected with coronavirus at home in one day

[ad_1] At home: New record: more than a thousand were infected with coronavirus at home in one day | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”3bc7eb5d-b386-4f91-9c04-2b1c763c56ff”,”c_author”:”Szabó Márta”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Rekordhosszúságú ideje tartanak a kormányalakítási tárgyalások Belgiumban, a járvány miatti válság azonban rászoríthatja a megállapodásra …

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Tennis: Djokovic suffered, Nadal also fell in Rome

[ad_1] World leader Novak Djokovic won Saturday’s quarter-final match in the men’s tournament of the Roman scum tennis tournament in three more difficult games than expected. However, Spain’s Rafael Nadal, who is returning to Rome after an absence of almost seven months, not only suffered, but also dropped out of …

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There was depressing news about Michael Schumacher

[ad_1] Swiss neurosurgeon Erich Riederer, although he was never a member of the seven-time world champion’s medical team and was not involved in his treatment, believes that Schumacher will never fully recover, based on available information on the severity of the injury, writes GPhí . According to him, the legendary …

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Coronavirus: the situation is also quite bad in Poland

[ad_1] In Poland, the number of infected people set a daily record, in Croatia and Slovenia it decreased slightly, while in Romania the government changed its methodology, so that the number of actively infected people increased by hundreds. The number of patients increased by more than 6,000 in Russia and …

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World: Third day of specific devastating hurricane in Greece

[ad_1] World: third day of specific hurricane in Greece Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”3afe6b58-525b-4abe-801f-35169279e6f1″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Pénteken megjelent az amerikai kereskedelmi minisztérium rendelete, amellyel vasárnaptól lehetetlenné teszi a WeChat üzenetküldő szolgáltatás letöltését az Egyesült Államokban. A TikTok videomegosztó novemberig …

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