
At home: teachers’ wallets can also feel the incomplete quarantine rule

[ad_1] At home: teachers’ wallets can also seem like an incomplete quarantine rule Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”01e1bce4-f5d4-4841-8505-58bdd36068a5″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Nem várt vendég szakította félbe a meccset. “,”shortLead”:”Nem várt vendég szakította félbe a meccset. “,”id”:”20200921_Brazil_valogatott_szunet_papagaj”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”6e272619-b120-4a08-a0f3-6ceab848036b”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/elet/20200921_Brazil_valogatott_szunet_papagaj”,”timestamp”:”2020. szeptember. 21. 14:38″,”title”:”Leállt a …

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Index – National – Viktor Orbán: Public safety and a life without terror are important, a large number of Christians will come from Western Europe

[ad_1] Several opposition parties demanded free coronavirus tests on the first day of Parliament’s fall session, during question time. The dialogue Kocsis-Cake Olivio Investigating his date, he also asked what is cheaper, prevent the spread of the virus through mass testing, or stop the economy, to which Prime Minister Viktor …

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Jamie Oliver opens a new restaurant in Budapest

[ad_1] After Jamie Oliver’s Italian restaurant and pizzeria, dishes from Jamie Oliver’s Diner will also be available in Budapest from Monday. As a first step, it can be ordered on the Wolt network with home delivery. Jamie’s dinner, and thus the food selection, was born out of Jamie’s love for …

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World: A national “mini-exhibition” may reach the British

[ad_1] World: national “mini-shorts” can reach the British Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”528cb19b-c818-4e89-8384-99d20edd15cf”,”c_author”:”Daczi Dóra”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Mivel az önkormányzati megrendelők szép lassan eltűnnek, a befektetők pedig a járvány miatt kivárnak, a hazai építőipar sorsa nagyrészt az államtól függ. Ráadásul a számlák …

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Sport: Silence – Dutch Prime Minister asks fans

[ad_1] Sport: Hush, Dutch Prime Minister asks fans Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”1ac24d54-2920-47fc-a84a-ccf334467e2d”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”Ha érvényes és eredményes lesz a pályázat, akkor még 2022 tavasza előtt elkezdődhet a kivitelezés. “,”shortLead”:”Ha érvényes és eredményes lesz a pályázat, akkor még …

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