
Index – Economy – Thousands of new Vác fans

[ad_1] In a few days, Hungarian healthcare will have at its disposal thousands of world-class ventilators commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which have already been manufactured by Hungary-based Celitron Medical Technologies Kft., Announced the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Commerce in Vác. Péter Szijjártó said at Celitron Medical …

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World: A 98-year-old woman was raped by a Frenchman and sentenced to six years in prison

[ad_1] World: A 98-year-old woman was raped by a Frenchman and sentenced to six years in prison Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”5580eb15-4bf3-443c-8100-540dd9a3d519″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A brüsszeli lap hosszú címlapsztoriban elemzi a magyar kormány és az Európai Unió viszonyát, amit …

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Atlético: Luis Suárez’s contract announced

[ad_1] Although the deal has not been kept secret until now, Atlético de Madrid officially announced Luis Suárez’s contract on Friday afternoon. The 33-year-old Uruguayan forward, from Barcelona, ​​has signed a two-year contract with the club from the Spanish capital. Luis Suárez in the warmest of Atlético de Madrid (Photo: …

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At home: Was it crazy to organize a Super Cup final in Budapest?

[ad_1] At home: Was it crazy to organize a Super Cup final in Budapest? | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”f6873908-9ce9-42d3-b09a-5691e6e93c0e”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Többezres tömeg gyűlt össze a Győzelem terén, hogy tiltakozzon Lukasenka beiktatása ellen.”,”shortLead”:”Többezres tömeg gyűlt össze a Győzelem …

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