
Real estate: Thousands of homes will soon be for sale

[ad_1] Real Estate: Thousands of homes could be put up for sale soon Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”44f7bafb-f971-4190-b4de-4fae88b4660d”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Nem csak a pozitív tesztek aránya, de a súlyos koronavírusos esetek száma is rekordot döntött hétfőre az országban.”,”shortLead”:”Nem csak …

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Car: No diesel, with only 3-cylinder engines here are the new Dacia Logan and Sandero

[ad_1] Car: No diesel, with only 3-cylinder engines here are the new Dacia Logan and Sandero | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”136334ab-2fa8-4553-abfb-d36ec9588fff”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Minden magyarra nézve sértőnek véli az igazságügyi miniszter a kritikát, amit Orbánról mondott Vera Jurová.”,”shortLead”:”Minden …

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Technology: Only healthy people can get a flu shot

[ad_1] Technology: only healthy people can get the flu vaccine Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”ab5c64f8-af33-4e22-bafa-d1502b5457d7″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”sport”,”description”:”A stadionba a járványveszélyre hivatkozva még nem térhettek vissza a szurkolók, de annak, úgy látszik, nincs akadálya, hogy mellette, egymás nyakában ugrálva …

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One of the biggest victories of my career right now is

[ad_1] Fucsovics beat fourth-placed Russian Danyiil Medvedev in four matches in the first round of the French Open. From the Hungarian tennis player to the bravr, but from here he only focuses on the next task. “One of the biggest victories of my career right now is In the Grand …

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Index – Culture – Dark as Night

[ad_1] Author: Victoria Azari-Varga Many of us start the day with a cup of steaming “black”, drawing strength and energy from coffee. We drink mainly because caffeine stimulates us, but the taste experience doesn’t matter either. Coffee is part of our daily life, but we do well if we only …

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Now the next game is the most important – Fucsovic

[ad_1] Márton Fucsovics sees the defeat of Danyiil Medvedev, fifth in the world ranking, as a first-round advance (Photo: MTI) Ad – It is beyond the first victory in the top 10 of his career: the last time he won in Hungarian tennis against Balázs Taróczy against Ivan Lendl in …

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