
Porto handball goalkeeper Alfredo Quintana dies

[ad_1] Alfredo Quintana, a 32-year-old goalkeeper for FC Porto’s men’s handball team, died on Friday. The Portuguese national team player suffered a heart attack during training on Monday, fought for his life for five days but could not save him. Alfredo Quintana (1988-2021) (Photo: AFP) The sad news was communicated …

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Index – Economy – Ford plant in Romania closes

[ad_1] The car factory in Craiova will close tomorrow (February 26) due to a shortage of parts. According to the company, the forced breakage will last for eight days, production will resume on March 10, writes the website At this plant, Ford manufactures the popular Puma models. Ford decided …

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World: I don’t want to die yet – Dunaszerdahely hospital featured in shocking report

[ad_1] World: I don’t want to die yet – Dunaszerdahely hospital featured in shocking report | Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”5dd7ed7e-33d6-4236-9372-4be2b20e17db”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A politikus arról írt, hogy ennyire beteg még sosem volt. Ezen a héten már nem volt …

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At home: ATV: the government does not relax the epidemiological rigor

[ad_1] At home: ATV: the government does not relax on epidemiological rigor Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”0b78a536-4b6f-4762-8807-89ca115bd8aa”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”Ezért az akcióért minden bizonnyal külön elszámolás jár.”,”shortLead”:”Ezért az akcióért minden bizonnyal külön elszámolás jár.”,”id”:”20210223_Menekulore_fogta_a_kiintett_Mercedes”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”c0bd2044-552f-4bb2-b354-7769db5388c9″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/cegauto/20210223_Menekulore_fogta_a_kiintett_Mercedes”,”timestamp”:”2021. február. 23. 07:46″,”title”:”Videó: Menekülni kezdett …

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