
The number of people infected and killed has increased to this point. BorsOnline – Celebrity News – Gossip – Crime – Politics

[ad_1] A total of 114,067,979 people worldwide were infected with the coronavirus epidemic, with 2,530,723 deaths and 64,418,462 survivors at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Central European time, according to data Monday morning. Worldwide, 114,067,979 people were infected with the coronavirus epidemic, with 2,530,723 deaths and 64,418,462 survivors at Johns …

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Company: For the French protection certificate, the PCR test also counts

[ad_1] Company: For the French protection certificate, the PCR test also counts Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”c7a52aed-b339-4038-af8d-d2d4201b6afb”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A főpolgármester öt olyan területet sorolt fel, ahol szerinte a kormánynak azonnal intézkednie kellene.”,”shortLead”:”A főpolgármester öt olyan területet sorolt fel, ahol …

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World: heir to the Saudi throne ordered the assassination of Khashoggi

[ad_1] World: heir to the Saudi throne orders the assassination of Khashoggi Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”759acd05-b9a4-4960-8864-e7b57e9dbb92″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”A két francia bulldogot épségben vitték be egy rendőrörsre.”,”shortLead”:”A két francia bulldogot épségben vitték be egy rendőrörsre.”,”id”:”20210227_Meglettek_Lady_Gaga_kutyai”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”3af9c37f-3439-4d3d-a6f6-57d5fd5ccec3″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/elet/20210227_Meglettek_Lady_Gaga_kutyai”,”timestamp”:”2021. február. 27. 09:56″,”title”:”Meglettek …

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At home: 4,948 new infections found, 107 patients died

[ad_1] At home: 4,948 new infections found, 107 patients died Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”771cc81e-5804-4539-9aeb-2827aee56ec6″,”c_author”:”Szabó Yvette”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Az ellenzéki szavazók összes dilemmáját magába sűríti egyetlen előválasztási helyszín. A fő kérdés: a politikai pályán maradnak-e azok a szereplők, akikre …

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Hell of two or three difficult Christmas weeks

[ad_1] Budapest survived the first and second waves of the coronavirus epidemic, and this is largely due to the cooperation of the people of the capital, Mayor Gergely Karácsony said at the Covid 2021 opposition investigation committee meeting on Friday. . The “courageous and progressive steps and inclusive communication” of …

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Index – Abroad – Melania Trump comforts herself with well-being

[ad_1] Former first lady Melania Trump has returned to the gray world of everyday life. According to CNN reports, citing a “close-knit” source, she had originally planned to be present at President Biden’s inauguration, but eventually left her Florida residence that morning, accompanied by her husband. Currently not involved in …

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