
The renovated southern section of Metro 3 was delivered

[ad_1] The coronavirus and the fight against it. The situation at home and in the world. Tibor Bolla, CEO of BKV (b), Mayor (s) Gergely Karácsony and Deputy Mayor Kata Tüttő (b) on the renovated southern section of metro line 3, between Oradea Square and Kőbánya-Kispest on a train of …

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Orbán’s main advisor supported SZFE

[ad_1] The protesting professors and students of the University of Theater and Film Arts (SZFE) received support from an unexpected place: Zsuzsa Hegedüs, the Prime Minister’s senior adviser, announced through one of the professors that she was with them in the fight for the autonomy of the university. And 444 …

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Cult: Gábor Szarka: They attacked the website of the University of Performing Arts

[ad_1] Kult: Gábor Szarka: Attack on the website of the University of Performing Arts Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”408e1bf0-f443-4d5e-acdb-d5c071a9878c”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kultura”,”description”:”A tévéstúdióhoz és a mozgásteremhez tartozó kulcsokat munkáltatói utasításra hivatkozva nem adták át a dolgozók a hallgatóknak.”,”shortLead”:”A tévéstúdióhoz …

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I was trying but should have left David Beckham

[ad_1] Jpest sports coordinator, former footballer Kabt Pter, got into a serious conflict with one of the best footballers in the world, David Beckham. In 2009, the Hungarian league played against G Milan. One of the players of the Hungarian team was Kabt Pter, who told the story: He should …

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Austro-Hungarian heroic dead found in Italy

[ad_1] The remains of an Austro-Hungarian soldier who served in World War I were found in the province of Trento, Italy, near Monte Civerone. Based on one of the buttons on his uniform, the soldier was identified as one of the so-called emperor hunters of the Austro-Hungarian army. The imperial …

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Technology: Scientists have been told what a child’s agenda should look like

[ad_1] Technology: Scientists have been told what a child’s agenda should look like Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”4f2d33d8-2451-40df-ae46-5ececd05791c”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag.zhvg”,”description”:”Az emberekre támadó cápafajok nagyon érzékenyek a víz hőmérsékletváltozására és a halakat követve olyan partokhoz is közel úsznak, ahol …

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