
Donald Trump’s Greatest Triumph – 444

[ad_1] The coronavirus and the fight against it. The situation at home and in the world. Just over a week before the presidential election, Donald Trump achieved the greatest success of his presidency to date. The Senate approved Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the United States Supreme Court with a …

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The police are investigating on suspicion of illegal obtaining of data after they flew over the Bicske farm of Lőrinc Mészáros with the transparent drone

[ad_1] The coronavirus and the fight against it. The situation at home and in the world. Transparent writes that her colleague, Gabriella Horn, was subpoenaed as a witness by the Department of Economic Protection at the Fejér County Police Headquarters. During the hearing, it was revealed that an unknown perpetrator …

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At home: virus concentrations in wastewater are increasing in four rural cities

[ad_1] At home: virus concentrations in sewage rise in four rural towns Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”95390a27-f344-421c-a57c-25369f7874bb”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”gazdasag.zhvg”,”description”:”Több városban pedig egészségtelen vagy kifogásolt a levegőminőség. Az eső miatt javulás várható. “,”shortLead”:”Több városban pedig egészségtelen vagy kifogásolt a …

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Mg certainly has no end, I want to keep racing

[ad_1] Formula 1 has already set the most important record, but Lewis Hamilton said after the Portuguese Grand Duchy that he will continue to compete for the next year. On Sunday, Grand Duchess of Portugal Lewis Hamilton won race number 92 in Formula One, making a good start, with Trk …

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