
Macron hatched against violence

[ad_1] The French president understands that Muslims are shocked by the Muhammad cartoons, but says this cannot justify violence. Emmanuel Macron spoke about this in an interview with the Arab news television Al-Jazz. “I understand that cartoons can be shocking, but I cannot accept to justify violence. It is our …

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These were Sean Connery’s most memorable film roles

[ad_1] Sean Connery, who died on Saturday at the age of 90, was better known as James Bond, though that’s not just about his career. The Oscar-winning Scottish actor played Agent 007 five times and then came back twice more, but in addition to the Bond movies, he has appeared …

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At home: we live in times of destruction of churches, according to Viktor Orbán

[ad_1] At home: we live in the church, destroying times according to Viktor Orbán Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”d8186b3d-3819-4226-8e3a-1fb470d80cc0″,”c_author”:”Sztojcsev Iván”,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”Nemrég jött ki az ország a 2008-as válságból, most már itt az újabb krízis. De feldolgoztuk-e már …

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