
World: UEFA is said to bring all World Cup matches to Russia

[ad_1] World Cup: UEFA is said to bring all European Football Cup matches to Russia | Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”b79e6bd1-15fa-4c86-a7b1-b9fefa1c6a5e”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”A megengedett sebesség majdnem négyszeresével ment valaki, aki a Hajdú-Bihar megyei rendőrség fényképére került.”,”shortLead”:”A megengedett sebesség …

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In four years, will a woman really be president?

[ad_1] If Joe Biden wins, he will be the first vice president of the United States. And Kamala Harris may have more ambitious plans. In the US presidential election on Tuesday Donald trump starting out as a democrat challenger Joe biden Candidate for Vice Presidency Kamala harris. Harris is only …

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Germany: Gerd Müller is rarely awake

[ad_1] The wife of legendary German soccer player Gerd Müller said the former world-class attacker is barely awake, sleeping most of the day, writes MTI. Gerd Müller celebrates the victory of the 1974 World Championship with Federal Captain Helmut Schön (Photo: AFP) Ad Uschi’s wife, who turns 75 on Tuesday, …

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Economy: Acquisition started in Italy in preparation for closings

[ad_1] Economy: Acquisition started in Italy in preparation for closings Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”25311ed9-1dc0-4d56-9a64-fa8a08e8d7d8″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Hollandiában egy elszabadult metrószerelvény kiütötte a bakot a végállomáson, és továbbhajtott. Egy szobor állította meg.”,”shortLead”:”Hollandiában egy elszabadult metrószerelvény kiütötte a bakot a …

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